måndag 22 november 2010

The Dean of Lunds U and his innovative résumé

Some of you may or may not have heard about the recent controversy surrounding the Dean of Lund University. In short Per Eriksson, the Dean, has recently been accused in the newspaper Sydsvenskan of being elected dean on false premises. He is also being accused of being promoted to professor on false qualifications.

Per Eriksson was appointed Dean of Lund University in 2008 and was before that in charge of the stately run investment agency Vinnova and was the Dean of Blekinge Tekniska Högskola for 10 years before that. Eriksson attracted controversy from the start due to his previous involvement in the Pentecostal church and the fact that hörandeförsamlingen, an advisory body of students and staff at the university, suggested another man for the position.

The recent controversy stems from a background check on the résumé that Per Eriksson used to apply for promotion to the rank of professor as well as for the position of Dean of Lund University. Eriksson claims in his résumé that he was the head advisor on two dissertations and acted as assistant advisor for five research students. However, his name is not registered as head advisor for the two dissertations and the authors of the papers tell Sydsvenskan that he was very inspirational to their work but that he was not their head advisor. Furthermore Eriksson claims, in his résumé, to have three patents but the first one is expired, the second one never existed and the third one was approved after he applied for the position.

The university has now launched a probe into these allegations which will produce its findings sometime in December. We at the international secretariat believes that if the Dean can’t be trusted to tell the truth on his résumé he can’t be trusted with the care of the university nor to have the confidence of the students. So the next time you are caught cheating just tell the teacher that you just did an Eriksson.

onsdag 10 november 2010

New Language Cafe at Smålands

We're going to have a new language cafe at Smålands starting on Thursday, November 18th at 5pm. Come and practice a new language or help others with your own language! Our hope is that people can meet new people and make new friends. We'll have coffee, tea and snacks available. If enough people come then we can make this a regular event!

Here's our facebook event page. Sign up and tell us what language you'll be representing!!!

About our organizers: Lynn is a native English speaker and arguably fluent in Swedish. She arranges and teaches many evening language classes and has lots of training in education. Bo loves languages and speaks too many... Faroese, Swedish, Danish, French.... well, we could go on but we'll stop here.

söndag 7 november 2010

Suspect for Racist Shootings Captured

The police have brought in a suspect for the spate of racist shootings during the last year. Here is an article from the BBC. We really hope that they've caught the right person! I'm sure a lot more details will be emerging soon.