söndag 10 oktober 2010

So You Want to Stay in Sweden

Are you from outside the EU and thinking about (permanently) extending your stay in Sweden? It's more complicated than it seems. Here's what you'll need if you want to stay in Sweden by changing your study permit to a family ties permit...
-a valid residence permit
-a transcript of your university studies showing you completed at least 30 university points (one semester)
-a live-in partner relationship or marriage

Things to Know Before You Apply

You have to be able to show that you live with your partner by registering at the same address at skatteverket.se (go visit their office if you have any questions about address registration).

You can't go about changing your permit willy-nilly. You have to wait until your current permit is about to expire. Do not overstay your visa! You can (and most likely will) be deported if you attempt to apply after it is expired. You need to show that you've actually been studying while in Sweden with a signed transcript. You must have at least 30 completed university points (aka one semester), otherwise they will most likely tell you to go back to your "home" country and apply from there. The process of applying from your "home" country could take many months (not to mention the cost of plane tickets!).

This law (in Swedish) lists which reasons are valid for applying for residence from within Sweden.

The Application

First you'll apply at your local Migrationsverket. Here is a Google map of the Migrationsverket office in Malmö as there is no office in Lund where you can file your application.

The queues are probably extraordinary so give yourself at least 3 hours to submit the application. You will also have to pay 500SEK in cash which you won't get returned if you application is not approved. There will be no interview or anything of the sort at this time; you will only be submitting your application and paying the fee.

Bring your application (most likely this one), 500 SEK in cash, your passport, your personbevis (which you can have sent to your address via skatteverket.se) and your partner's personbevis.

You will get a receipt of payment and a letter stating you applied for a new residence permit.

A few weeks later, you will be assigned a caseworker. If you're lucky then you'll quickly get a letter from your caseworker for an appointment with you and your partner and your caseworker's contact information if you cannot make your appointment. The appointment can be anywhere from three weeks after you submitted your application to many months.
In all likelihood your old residence permit will expire but this is OK - as long as you have proof that you submitted a new application then you're legally allowed to stay in Sweden while it is being processed! I was told that it was OK to travel and I even left the EU during this time with no problems but others were told that it would be forbidden to travel without a valid residence permit. You should also be allowed to work during this time but others have been told something else. Ask your caseworker if you need more information.

The Appointment

You will meet your caseworker and you and your partner will be given complementary forms to fill out. Bring your passport, your personbevis and your partner's personbevis and proof of completed studies. The forms will ask about anything from about your background, how you met, your morning routine, who your partner's family members are and how old they are and whether you've met them, what you pay for rent, what color your shower curtain is and your hobbies. The form is at least 10 pages long with these sorts of questions. If you and your partner have matching answers then good, you will in all likelihood be granted a permit. If the answers don't match so well then you may have to do further tests, like a personal interview.

The Permit

In theory you can get your new residence permit the same day as the appointment with your caseworker. In practice it may take many months.
If you have been living with your partner for less than two years (the most likely), you will be granted a residence permit for one or two years. This will be a TEMPORARY residence permit. After these two years (or, if granted a one year permit, you will have to apply after one year and receive another one year permit in all likelihood) you can apply for a PERMANENT residence permit.

You can LOSE your residence permit if you settle in any other country for any amount of time. Still, you ALWAYS have the right to a residence permit in Sweden as long as you have a relationship with someone there (even if it takes months to process). With a temporary residence permit, you DO NOT have the right to vote and you DO NOT have the right to get CSN (study aide).

As long as your permit is being processed (even if your old permit becomes expired), you are legally allowed to live and work in Sweden. You are in no way an "illegal" alien.

Good luck!!!

--Speaking Swedish is always a plus!! You want to show that you're contributing to society here
--Homosexual relationships are of course allowed as a basis for residence permits
--Once assigned a caseworker, she/he can decide how easy or hard to make life for you. Be nice and courteous to them!
--Maybe you don't know what year your partner's brother was born in but study up on those things. You don't want to give them any doubt as to the veracity of your relationship
--You don't need pictures or other "evidence" during the process - that's only in movies
--Get home insurance together! This will save you money and show that you've been living together
--Having both your names on the rental contract is also a plus

For more information visit Migrationsverket.

Relevant laws on residence permits can be found here (in Swedish; no English translation available).

If you are looking to TEMPORARILY extend your stay in Sweden then the easiest course of action is to keep studying! Just be sure to apply for your extension before your current studies permit runs out.

Note: This information is provided by a private person. Smålands Nation does not take any responsibility for the validity of this information. Use common sense and contact the authorities if you have any questions.

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