tisdag 14 september 2010

Clearing Up Membership Misconceptions

As many of you know fall semester 2010 is the first semester in which it is not mandatory to join a nation or student union. This had created lots of confusion for everyone. We wanted to clear up some of the confusion surrounding Smålands.

There are two kinds of nation events: events where alcohol is served (usually clubs) and events in which no alcohol is served. For events in which no alcohol is served, everyone is always welcome at Smålands - you do not need to show a student ID or passport. You don't even have to be a student!

Because government regulations concerning the serving of alcohol apply to nations, each nation has specific rules about who can get into an event in which alcohol is being served. At Smålands, everyone with a student card and passport is welcome during these events. That includes StudentLund members!

Smålands members are not allowed into other nations with their just their Smålands membership as Smålands is not a part of StudentLund. Any student can, however, have a double membership but joining another nation of their choice. Smålands members are not restricted in this sense.

Membership at Smålands costs from 140-155SEK per semester. This does not include the student union fee (which is, of course, optional). You do not need to be a member to join the Smålands housing queue but you do need to be a member before signing a contract for a Smålands residence (usually you will have one month's notice if you are in line to receive a contract for a residence). If you would like to join Smålands you can send an email to smalands@smalands.org and the office will e-mail you a bill. As a warning, it should be noted that sometimes this bill ends up in peoples' spam filters!

Smålands members receive all the normal student discounts (including SJ, the Swedish Railways and Skånetrafiken, public transportation in Skåne) with their student card. 

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