tisdag 14 september 2010

Why We Oppose Fees for International Students

In Sweden, free education is self-evident and a right for everyone, regardless of income or societal position. If a party or politician would try to change this it would be political suicide. Despite this it's exactly the situation which will affect the thousands of international students which apply to Lund every year and the only response has been with meager protests from diverse student organizations.

Who are those that will be affected by the government's decision? Students from around the globe who won't be able to afford to study. Hopeful students from Africa, Asia and America who previously turned to Sweden for free education. These students have contributed to a higher quality of education as well as positively affecting the municipality's finances and cultural diversity.

Who will be studying at Lund when the fees come into effect? Probably not many. If you can afford the fees that the university has suggested then you'll probably spend your money at a more prestigious university in North America or Great Britain. Those that doubt this can take a look at Denmark and see what happened after their introduction of fees for foreign students. The fees will most likely lead to more programs being shut down due to a lack of students.

What the government should have done instead is to deal with the largest issue concerning international students: troubles obtaining residence permits after the completion of their studies. In principal, Sweden is throwing out those students who just finished an expensive education and throwing money out. Many international students wish to stay in Sweden and contribute to the country which gave them the opportunity to have a free higher education.

Smålands Nation wishes to express our opposition to new tuition fees for non-EU students. We also wish to work for a change in the present migration policy so that international students can stay in Sweden after their completed studies if they so wish.

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