onsdag 15 september 2010

Photo Exhibition at Smålands

Attention aspiring photographers - here's a message from the Smålands Photo Club!
Smålands Glorius Exhibition of Photos!
In Smålands Nation, Photo Takes YOU!

Exhibition is the 29th of October
Closing day for submissions is the 27th of October
We invite everyone with an Idea, a Vision of.. well whatever tickles your fancy really, to submit their photos to the exhibition of a lifetime!
You can submit photos in two categories, digital prints and analogue prints and you can either submit 2-3 small photos in the 20x35cm class or one really big photo in the 40x50cm class. You submit the prints with name, phone and email and the name of the prints to the Smålands office.
The date for the exhibition is the last Friday of October, the 29th, in the Pub lounge. The last day for submissions are on the 27th.
To enter the exhibition you must be a member of the Smålands Photo Club, which costs 100SEK semester and gives you access to our darkroom with free, that's right FREE, photo chemicals and can join our meetings with FREE coffee and cake.
And any theme, motto or idea fora photo is welcome, everything from "straight f/64" to heavy duty Photoshop is welcome. All we ask is that it's nothing too naughty (keep it family friendly) and that you submit your photos printed and not as a digital file - you will have to do your own printing.
If you'd like more info then you can write to Chris.

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