tisdag 14 september 2010

Fall in Lund and Allemansrätten

Allemansrätten, which has been translated by many as "Freedom to Roam" and literally means "every person's right," is your gateway into true Swedish nature (and free food). Everyone in Sweden has the right
access, walk, cycle, ride, ski, and camp on any land—with the exception of private gardens, the immediate vicinity of a dwelling house and land under cultivation. Restrictions apply for nature reserves and other protected areas. It also gives the right to pick wild flowers, mushrooms and berries (provided one knows they are not legally protected), but not to hunt in any way. Swimming in any lake and putting an unpowered boat on any water is permitted unless explicitly forbidden. Visiting beaches and walking by a shoreline is permitted, providing it is not a part of a garden or within the immediate vicinity of a residence (legally defined as the hemfridszon). According to legal practice this is between 100 to 300 metres from a dwelling house. To better protect access to water and the right to walk along beaches, it is since 1975 generally not permitted to build a new house near (generally 100 m) from a beach and/or shoreline.
Source: Wikipedia

There's lots of nice things to pick during the fall. In Lund, there's lots of apple trees on public land, ripe for picking (although Swedish apples tend to be a bit sour!). There's also blackberries, mushrooms and plums if you know where to look.

Here's a recipe for apple pie, Swedish-style! In America they'd call this apple crumble and not apple pie. You can also substitute blackberries, blueberries or other berries for apples.

-2 dl flour
-3 dl oatmeal (havregryn)
-1 dl brown sugar (farinsocker)
-.5 dl sugar
-2 teaspoons baking powder
-2 teaspoons vanilla sugar (vaniljsocker)
-50 g butter/margarine
-2 large apples/3 small apples or 3 dl berries

Pre-heat oven to 175C. Mix together dry ingredients. Add margarine and work by hand until the mixture forms crumbles. Cut up apples. Sprinkle half of the crumbly mixture into the baking tin, cover with apples/berries and then sprinkle the other half on top of the apples/berries, covering them. Bake at 200C for 20-25 minutes (until the top is brown and the apples are soft). Serve with vanilla sauce (vaniljsås - it's possible to buy ready-made in the refrigerated section of the grocery store or dry packages that require the addition of milk).

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